Technological watch

An Edible Antibacterial Coating Integrating Lytic Bacteriophage Particles for the Potential Biocontrol of Salmonella enterica in Ripened Cheese

The goal of this research was to create an antibacterial biopolymeric coating integrating lytic bacteriophages against Salmonella enterica for use in ripened cheese. Salmonella enterica is the main pathogen that contaminates food products and the food industry. The food sector still uses costly and non-selective decontamination and disease control methods. Therefore, it is necessary to look for novel pathogen biocontrol technologies. Bacteriophage-based biocontrol seems like a viable option in this situation. The results obtained show promise for food applications since the edible packaging developed (EdiPhage) was successful in maintaining lytic phage viability while preventing the contamination of foodstuff with the aforementioned bacterial pathogen.

Publication date: 02/03/2024

Author: Marta M. D. C. Vila

Reference: doi: 10.3390/polym16050680

MDPI (polymers)


This project has received funding from the Bio Based Industries Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 837761.