Technological watch

Free PEFerence webinar on 17 October: Furanic Humins – 100% bio-based side stream of PEF production, as basis for thermoset and other binder applications

The PEFerence consortium aims to replace a significant share of fossil-based polyesters, such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET), and packaging materials like glass and metal with 100% bio-based furanics polyesters. PEFerence establishes a unique, industrial scale, cost-effective flagship plant to convert plant-based sugars into FDCA (furandicarboxylic acid), the building block of PEF (polyethylene furanoate): a plant-based, fully recyclable plastic material with superior performance and significantly reduced carbon footprint compared to conventional plastics. PEF can be used in a wide range of applications such as bottles, packaging, films, fibres and textiles.

Tom Claessen, Business Development Manager Humins at AvantiumOther promising materials to be validated in the project include FDCA-based polyurethanes and humins-based resins. This free webinar gives you the opportunity to learn about the validation of furanic humins by Tom Claessen, Business Development Manager Humins at Avantium. The 100% bio-based side stream of PEF production can be used as a basis for thermoset and other binder applications. After his 30-minute presentation, Tom Claessen will answer your questions in a live discussion.

Registration for the free Zoom webinar is possible via

The PEFerence project receives funding from the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (JU) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 744409. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and the Bio-based Industries Consortium.

Publication date: 20/09/2023

Author: Freya Sautner

Bio-based News


This project has received funding from the Bio Based Industries Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 837761.