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Hi-Cone halves new plastics use with RingCycles packaging solution

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Close survey US-based multi-packaging and beverage packaging solutions company Hi-Cone has announced the launch of RingCycles, a multi-packaging solution that contains more than 50% post-consumer recycled (PCR) content.RingCycles contributes to Hi-Cone’s goal of eliminating 100% of current virgin plastic-based ring carriers from its product portfolio by the end of 2020. It is also a part of its wider environmental responsibility goal to produce a 100% recyclable, biodegradable or compostable packaging alternative by 2025.Hi-Cone said its global sustainability goals include increasing investments in resource and material research, increasing recycling and education efforts to support a circular economy for plastic, significantly minimising the amount of virgin plastic used and reusing ring carriers collected to ensure zero plastic waste.Hi-Cone Worldwide general manager and vice president Shawn Welch said: “Hi-Cone is reimagining packaging for the beverage industry for a more sustainable future and RingCycles is providing a better packaging solution now. “This launch represents a significant milestone in our sustainability journey, technology innovation and material development.
“RingCycles is an exciting step for us as we develop more effective ways to reduce and recycle plastic packaging within the beverage industry, as well as innovative ways to keep it in use and out of the environment. We are making significant investments in resources and material research to continue to develop the most sustainable and commercially viable solutions available on the market.”Packaging industry pushes for more post-consumer recycled contentMany companies are upping their use of PCR content as a way to improve their packaging sustainability efforts.The benefits of using PCR include 90% less non-renewable energy, 83% less water consumption, 75% less greenhouse gases emissions and 43% less solid waste when compared to virgin material production.Last month, global polymer plastic company UFlex launched global Initiative ‘Project Plastic Fix’ to eradicate plastic waste in four distinct ways, including collecting and converting plastic bottle waste into a green, 100% PCR packaging film called Asclepius.Earlier this year, US-based consumer packaged goods company SC Johnson announced that 94% of its plastic packaging is recyclable, reusable or compostable, as well as using 100% PCR bottles for several product lines.In March, UK-based flexible packaging supplier Now Plastics announced its new line of films, made using 60% to 90% PCR PET resin, across European markets.Last year, global pressure-sensitive label materials supplier UPM Raflatac launched its sustainable Vanish PCR line of ultra-thin clear film labels in the Europe, Middle East, India and Africa (EMEIA) region. Free WhitepaperSix essential ways to improve your pharmaceutical quality system Enter your details here to receive your free whitepaper.

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Publication date: 22/10/2019



This project has received funding from the Bio Based Industries Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 837761.